What is good posture. Good posture is a state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, irrespective of the attitude in which these structures are working or resting.

Good posture and the spine. The main feature of good posture is the capacity to flex and extend the spine. A functional spine is a prerequisite for alignment and balance.

An alignment of body segments. For Physical therapists, the erect spine is an alignment of body segments through the line of gravity.

An alignment of energy centres. For Esoteric Buddhist yogis, the erect spine is an alignment of energy centres  through an imaginary central channel .

Vertical alignment is the goal. Whether we consider alignment with respect to an imaginary central channel or a line of gravity, we are referring to a balanced alignment of the body described as the upright posture.

Improve your appearance.  A relaxed, upright posture (i.e. good posture) looks good. It also feels good.

Increase your feelings of vitality. Good posture is comfortable. Reduced muscle tension liberates energy and increases  your feelings of vitality.

Remedy old aches and pains. When injuries are sustained, posture adapts to minimize stress and strain on injured body parts. After the old injury is healed, the adaptation remains and gives rise to new aches and pains. A return to good posture removes them.

Slow down the aging process. You are as old as your spine. Restricted spinal mobility is a characteristic of old age. Its opposite is a sign of the vitality and vigor of youth.

Our postural work involves controlled movements and alignment of the spinal joints at levels that correspond to the energy centres (Sk. chakra) of Esoteric Buddhist yoga.

Body, Breath and Mind. Posture is our response to gravity. Posture affects breathing. Breathing affects thinking. This understanding is the basis of Buddhist psycho-somatic yoga.

Muscles, Posture and Breathing. The muscles that hold the body upright - i.e. postural muscles - are also respiratory muscles. Upright posture facilitates breathing.

Breath-energy and Vitality. When we stand properly we breathe properly. The major source of vitality is the air we breathe. Known as pneuma in Greek, prana in Sanskrit, ch’i  in Chinese, when we breathe properly we accumulate energy.

Energy: the Horse of Mind. In Esoteric Buddhism, prana carries mental impulses, translating intent (mind) into action (body).

Signs of Breath-energy. Breath-energy itself is invisible and intangible. Its signs (Sk. nimitta, Ch. hsiang) - subtle tactile sensations - are perceptible. These are identified and applied in postural work.

The three secrets. Esoteric Buddhism aims to unify the three secrets: body, speech (breath-energy) and mind. In our tradition these are unified through posture.

Serge Martich-Osterman

02 9660 5770
